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Work for developers

Moin developers,

if you have some spare time and you will also be ready for glibc-2.1, please
look into this list and email me for a bigger compiler output. 

| devel:                                                                      |
cutils_1.5.2-2.deb 			(initializer element not constant)
f2c_19971204-3.deb			(missing seperator line 63 rules)
gnats_3.104-5.deb 			(initialiter element not constant)
hp48cc_1.0-4.deb			(initializer elem. not constant)
pccts_1.3.deb 				(initializer not constant)

| games:                                                                      |
xboard_4.0.0-1.deb			(initializer element not constant)

| interpreters:                                                               |
bwbasic_2.20pl2-3.deb 			(initializer elm. not const.)
expect5.24_5.26.1-1.deb 		(rules 29: missing seperator)
gforth_0.3.0-4.deb			(egcc call)
original-awk_1998-02-11-1.deb		(initializer elem. not const.)

| libs:                                                                       |
aalib1_1.2-1.deb 			(debian error)
t1lib0_0.7.1-3.deb			(dh_installdocs error)

| mail:                                                                       |
mailagent_3.58-6.deb 			(initializer element is not constant)

| math:                                                                       |
aribas_1.08b-3.deb			(egcc call)
circlepack_4.0.1-1.deb			(egcc call)
cln_0.98-1.deb				(egcc call)
grace_5.0.0-1.deb			(init. elem. not const., log2 undeclared)
grafix_1.4-2.deb			(call g++272)
xlispstat_3.52.0-3.deb 			(initializer element not constant)

| net:                                                                        |
opie_2.32-1.deb 			(Makefile error)

| sound:                                                                      |
awe_0.4.2c-3.deb 			(initializer not constant)
xmcd_2.3-4.deb				(initializer not constant)

| text:                                                                       |
2utf_1.06.deb				(initializer elem. not const.)
dictd_1.4.8-2.deb			(initializer not constant)
djtools_1.0-3.deb			(dh_installdocs error)
libtricks_0.1-5.deb			(YAFI, remove .deps dir; warnings as errors)
sgml-tools_1.0.7-1.deb 			(initializer element not constant)

| utils:                                                                      |
canna_3.5b2-14.deb 			(dh-installdocs error)
ltrace_0.3.2.deb			(clean error)
mmv_1.01b-7.deb				(initializer elem. not const.)
tag-types_0.0.7-1.deb			(initializer elem. not const.)
xacc_1.0.18-1.deb			(initializer elem. not constant)

| web:                                                                        |
xswallow_1.0.11-1.deb			(i386, for netscape, not nesessary)

| x11:                                                                        |
gwm_1.8c-10.deb 			(initializer elem. not constant)
tkdesk_1.0p1-3.deb			(depends on old tcl & tk)
ts_9804-1.deb				(copy error, deutsch/...)
vnc_3.3.2-1.deb				(gcc -c -o flag error)

The `dh_installdocs error` is in the form of:

dh_installdocs -a
cp: doc/*.ps: No such file or directory
cp: doc/*.tex: No such file or directory
cp: doc/*.dvi: No such file or directory
cp: doc/*.eps: No such file or directory
cp: doc/*.fig: No such file or directory
dh_installdocs: command returned error code

This is (for the moment) the maintainers fault (right joeyh ???). Please
copy the docs directly to the right place (debian/tmp/usr/doc/...).

The `initializer element not constant` is like this:

FILE *example=stdin;

This is not correct for glibc-2.1. Please split it. 

(egcc call): egcc is not available for machines that uses egcs!



 Hartmut Koptein                                       EMail:
 Friedrich-van-Senden-Str. 7                           koptein@et-inf.fho-emden.de
 26603 Aurich   
 Tel.: +49-4941-10390                                  koptein@debian.org

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