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Re: Status of KDE/Qt - interim decision

Hi Ho,

Andreas Jellinghaus schrieb am 12. August 1998:

> More and more kde people start to recognize that there is a problem with the
> qt lizenze, and search for a way out. qt misguided or not - don't be bad to
> them.

I support this. The Idea and the programs of KDE are fine
- it's »only« the license which is bad.

> this could follow rather the kde release cycle than the debian one -
> makes more sence. qt and other programs useing qt could be integrated there.

have you already asked the kde-people what they think
about it? I'd like to hear their response to it (not only
Matthias please :-)

> make it hard to use kde. everyone has the right to choose his software,
> and people choose linux over windows, because it's free and has superior
> quality. gnome is free, too, and also aims at better quality. 

Yes. But KDE has more programs (yet) :-) And what do we
loose if we support KDE itself? Nothing really IMHO.

> i understand very well, that some people don't want to have to deal with kde.
> but instead of removeing it totaly, create a place where kde and debian people
> can work on kde/qt/debian, so they can move there.

Yes, IMHO that would be the best Idea. Who except Andreas
is developing on KDE and Debian? Maybe they could start
with it?

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
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