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Re: Becoming a developer: Howto sign someoneelses key

On Sun, Aug 09, 1998 at 02:40:42PM +0200, Michel Onstein wrote:
> though i'm sure this has been asked many times before... and it should be
> obvious for a lot of people...
> How does one sign someones key with yours, as is required for becoming a
> Debian Developer? And after you've done that, how should you send it to
> the the ppl in question?

Please read the PGP documentation thoroughly. Otherwise, using PGP will only
give you a false sense of security.
If Foo wants to sign Bar's key, he does
	pgp -ks "Bar's user ID"
To extract that key in a format usable for sending via email, Foo does
	pgp -kxaf "Bar's user ID" > bar.key
and sends the file "bar.key" via mail.

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

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