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Re: Debian is secure, the debian lists are not

(This is a Mail from Joey and myself, so I just mail from
both of us together)

The reason why we, the listmasters, are not going to enable the cookie
mechanism for unsubscribing is that at the moment there are already
too many people who a) don't manage to get unsubscribed and b) don't
manage to get subscribed *without* manual help of either
Joey or myself.

While we like smartlist for its well formed pattern to avoid oddities,
partially it refuses to accept requests while we can't see a reason why
it doesn't process them.  we'll try to record some of them and send
them to Santiago so he can fix the package.

If we would make unsubscription more difficult than it is now the
listmasters would even have more - and unneeded - work with it.  We're
not going to accept that.  In that case we're considering stepping back
from such listmaster duties.

I (Joey) fully support what Hanno (=Rince) wrote and I can understand why
he's really upset with Santiago.  I'm also upset but have calmed down
a bit.  After ending in consensus it doesn't look fair to the work the
listmasters do.

We can only repeat that in our opinion security has nothing to do with
cookie unsubscription.  In most cases there isn't even a mail loss
since most of the lists are archived on the web, some are archived on
master, some more are archived on ftp.infodrom.north.de and some may
be archived in users mailboxes so there are easy ways to get the mails
if you should be unsubscribed by failure.

Yes, using cookie unsubscription you can ensure that nobody than you
can unsubscribe you from the lists.  But you also ensure that many
people can't unsubscribe at all - and increase the load for the

Maintaining 2 lists and leaving the listmasters with n - 3 doesn't
make sense.  All lists should be maintained by a unique team.


	Joey        Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
| Eine gewerbliche Nutzung meiner Email-Adressen ist nicht gestattet! |
| 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it!          |    Generation @           |
#Warum trifft man so wenig Kristians auf dem Internationalen Markt?
#	... die mittlere Standhoehe ist 1.20m. Aua!

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

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