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Re: Archive Restructuring - Package Pool

On 31 Jul 1998, Kai Henningsen wrote:

> debian@pny-fmail.webquest.com (Bill Mitchell)  wrote on 31.07.98 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.980731121323.171D-100000@debian>:
> > Packages file from the mirrors.  Users are not currently required to
> > download a new Packages file in the absence of an up to date local copy
> > (and, IMO, should not be required to do so).  This seems to imply that the
> They are if they want dselect to let them select the new packages. Or apt.  
> Only bare dpkg can handle bare packages.

I am located in a remote corner of the world, and commonly see transfer
rates on the order of 300 bytes/sec on large files.  That is about a
megabyte per hour.  Hamm's Packages.gz file is about 330Kb, or about 20
minutes of download time at 300 bytes/sec.  My internet connect charges
are about $1.50 per hour once I exceed a fixed hours/month limit.

I'm not contending that my situation is typical, but neither do I believe
that it is unique.  I have seen others mention slow/expensive downloads
in debian-devel from time to time.

I commonly do mass upgrades from CD.  From time to time I use ftp to
download individual packages, which I install with dpkg.  Hiding pathnames
to packages inside the Packages file would be a problem for me.

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