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Re: Archive Restructuring - Package Pool

Buddha Buck <bmbuck@acsu.buffalo.edu>:

>> So, does anyone (or anyscript?) really need to manage symlink farms when
>> the Packages file can do the job for us?
>Maintaining the symlink farm means that people with old versions of 
>dpkg/dselect/apt (such as, everyone who just installed hamm) can use 
>the new layout.  Otherwise, when slink gets released, once again we 
>will have to say "Before you upgrade to Debian 2.1, you must do the 
>following first...", which I think we are trying to avoid.  (I don't 
>-think- the current dpkg can deal with that... otherwise why would you 
>be suggesting that it can be hacked?).  Perhaps we can make that change 
>in slink, but keep the symlink farm until after slink is released?

I was suggesting that dpkg-SCANPACKAGES, which generates the Packages
file, be hacked.  dpkg should be able to handle it with no changes
(I've done it on my machine with dselect.)  Since the Packages file
gives the filename relative to the /pub/debian/ directory, it should
work fine.

BTW, the hack to dpkg-scanpackages is simply to change the line

  open(F,"find $binarydir/ -follow -name '*.deb' -print |")

to open a file rather than use find.  Perhaps

  open(F, "$binarydir/debs")

Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
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