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Re: Game plan for slink, a suggestion

On Jul 27, Lars Wirzenius decided to present us with:
> [ Please don't Cc: public replies to me. ]
> Lalo Martins:
> > Why not _add_ source dependencies before that?
> Adding source dependencies requires hacking dpkg, which seems to be
> difficult enough that bugs in dpkg aren't getting fixed very quickly.

No. You haven't read my proposal. :-)

I said, implement them in the .dsc only, and make it such that
they aren't propagated to the .deb. Well maybe this _requires_
hacking dpkg, in --build, but then if someone builds the package
with an old dpkg and the source dependences _are_ propagated to
the .deb, dpkg will just ignore them.

Please note; you don't need SDs anymore after the package is
built. The .deb and dpkg don't want to see them. I don't want to
mess with dpkg for sure.

> Thus, I'd rather not make source dependencies a goal. And anyway,
> for them to be useful, all packages must add them, which means all
> packages need to be updated, which is going to make it harder to
> meet the goal of getting slink out on time.

I agree here - as much as I agree to not having release goals.
What I mean is, add the SD feature, and let packages that need
them add them. Make dbuild use the SDs if they're there, and try
to build the package anyway if it has no SDs. As simple as that.
And fool-proof.

   Howling to the moonlight on a hot summer night...
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