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Clarification from Miguel (was: RH and GNOME)

I know that there were already two clarifications but Miguel asked
me to post it to the list, too.  I've answered him in private mail
because I know him personally.

----- Forwarded message from Miguel de Icaza <miguel@nuclecu.unam.mx> -----

[ about his non-hirement and Gnome might becoming redhat dependent]

   There are various issues here.

   I have not been hired by Red Hat.  I am going to visit them for a
week, to visit my personal friends and to do some work with the GNOME
team at Red Hat Labs.

   They have been very nice to pay for my one week trip there so that
we can have a developer meeting and advance some of the work we have
pending for GNOME.  On the other hand, Federico has been hired and he
will be enhacing the gnome free software pool just like the rest of
the team.

   The second issue is whether GNOME will become distribution
dependent or not.  Even if I worked for Red Hat, GNOME is a GPL
product and we are very concerned about making GNOME portable.  There
is a lot of effort going on to make sure the code works for as much
people as possible.

   I am personally interested in seeing GNOME run on the free BSD
systems and on every Linux distribution out there as well as the
proprietary unix-like operating systems.  The team has integrated or
coded the bits to make GNOME work on almost every platform you can
think of.  And we are always willing to take patches and give people
CVS write access [1].



[1] To address your specific concern: various Debian people have cvs
write access, so you can be sure we will be taking patches to enhance
Debian as well).

----- End forwarded message -----

Those who don't understand Linux are doomed to reinvent it, poorly.

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