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Re: Status of qmail?

>>>>> "PH" == Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> writes:

 PH> deb Real Soon Now (tm).  Of course it will result in a package
 PH> that seriously violates our file system layout, but who cares,
 PH> it's non-free anyway ;-)

How about patches? What would DJB think if the binary contained
jbuce.diff.. package name could be something like

I'm using Qmail 1.03 at our site, and installing jbuce patch made a
_great_ improvement (mostly due to DNS checks and RBL). Now that I'm
used to it, I won't run Qmail without it.

# Ed               GSM: 040 5960810     URL: http://lodge.ton.tut.fi/%7Eed/
double value;                /* or your money back! */
 short changed;               /* so triple your money back! */
        --Larry Wall in cons.c from the perl source code

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