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Re: Potentially serious problem with kernel-headers...

>Experimentally: does the new binary work on the old kernels?

Not tried this.  I can't reproduce the problem locally.  zif?  Dale?

>I've not used this program, does it need root priviledges?


>The question is: is this a kernel bug, 

Incompatability.  which I suppose counts as bug.

>libc bug, 

No.  If it is, it's in every libc we're tried (5.3.12, 5.4.33, 5.4.44,
glibc 2.0.7).

(Note that cdparanoia *has* found a number of bugs in libc, which I've
traced down with the libc source.  This is not one of them so far as I
can tell).

>a cdparanoia bug 

It's clean in CodeCenter and Electric Fence. Note that this problem
happens *very* early on (first malloc).

>or just a documentation bug?  Since the problem hasn't
>really been isolated yet, it's hard to say.

Experimental evidence is giving some strong directions to explore.
*If* (and I do say if, this has not been established) some kernel
interface as expressed in the kernel headers has been modified in a
non-backward compatable way from 2.0.33 to 2.0.34, this is a *major*
fuckup.  But I think we're agreeing now.

>If the program requires special priviledges

It does not.

>I'd guess that
>maybe it is using direct access to hardware 

I will use the SCSI generic driver, but crash cases are happening in
the ATAPI ioctl() only case when generic SCSI is disabled.

>or kernel structures in some unorthodox fashion. 

No.  Unless 'ioctl()' is considered exotic :-) I wonder if one of the
funkier ioctls was modified and it's trashing the stack...  

>If not, and if the version compiled on kernel 2.0.34 includes works
>on version 2.0.32 I'm inclined to suspect a libc bug.

The experiment is worth running.  I'll bet the package system is going
to bitch though :-) I will stake a sizable chunk of my reputation on
this one not being libc's fault.  I have maligned libc quality control
mightily in the past, but not this time, not yet.


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