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Re: libc6_2.0.7 release notes...

On Jun 25, Philip Hands decided to present us with:
> > On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Philip Hands wrote:
> > Brandon Mitchell has come up with a better scheme than my "numbering"
> > alternative. Consider the following:
> > 
> > 2.0.8pre1	2.0.8-0pre1
> > 2.0.8pre2	2.0.8-0pre2
> > 2.0.8           2.0.8-1
> Doesn't this mean that the upstream source will be called:
>   packagename_2.0.8.orig.tar.gz
> the upstream author might have something to say about that, since it looks 
> like a final release, and they've only published:
>   packagename-2.0.8pre2.tgz

Yes yes YES, here's the wrong thing I was smelling in this. We
can't just bump numbers that come after the dash because they're
not propagated to the .orig.tar.gz and that's bad.

The proposal I like most are the "epochs to the right", but they
should be tacked to the upstream number, not the debian
revision; ie

upstream       epochs    above proposal      .99        "pre-epochs"
2.0.8pre1   2.0.8pre1-1    2.0.8-0pre1    2.0.8!1-1
2.0.8pre2   2.0.8pre2-2    2.0.8-0pre2    2.0.8!2-1
2.0.8        1:2.0.8-1       2.0.8-1       2.0.8-1       2.0.8-1
2.0.9pre1  1:2.0.9pre1-1   2.0.9-0pre1    2.0.9!1-1
2.0.9        2:2.0.9-1       2.0.9-1       2.0.9-1       2.0.9-1

judge for yourselves.


as already discussed, the use of epochs alone (of course they
could be combined with something else) would "never stop",
increasing on each pre/upstream pair.

anything tacked to the "debian revision" part:

not really ugly, and the "-0xxx" proposal solves a lot, but how
do this deal with .orig.tar.gz's?


this works, of course. Except if there already _is_ -
what if, after 89723234 releases of gimp 0.99, they decided to
release a "gimp 1.0pre1"?


by separating them from the version with anything other than a
colon, a character that isn't currently legal in a version
number such as a bang or comma, we make it very clear what is
it. Also, we make current dpkg/dselect/apt unable to deal with
the package - which is bad, but better than having them sort the
numbers wrong (just as you _had_ to upgrade when epochs were
introduced). This preserves the "less surprise" or whatever -
I'd rather call it "left-to-right reading" ;-) Finally, the bang
has the psicological effect of warning the user this is a
pre-release, potentially dangerous.

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