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Re: Hamm Bug Stamp-Out List for June 25, 1998

>>"Raul" == Raul Miller <rdm@test.legislate.com> writes:

 Raul> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> wrote:
 >> Does this clarify the intent of the policy team better? 

 Raul> I'd prefer for the policy to spell out the problem it's addressing,
 Raul> and why this alternative is better than the others.

	Well, does Dwarf's latest do better than my rewrite? 
Every file in the system resides in one of the several "top level"
directories, which are subdirectories of the root directory '/'. Each of
these top level directories are a potential mount point, so links from a
file in one top level directory that point into another top level
directory should be absolute references, while links between locations
within a particular top level directory should be relative references.

	The problem we are trying to solve is ecplained in this

 Suppose /usr and /var are is mounted under /mnt; but /lib is mounted
 directly under /
__> ls -CF /mnt
 ./                        var/
../                        usr/
__> ls -CF /
 ./                 usr -> mnt/usr
../                 var -> mnt/var
 lib                etc

	Now suppose you had a file in /usr that was a link to a file
 in /etc

__> ls -als /usr/lib/sgml/catalog 
    /usr/lib/sgml/catalog -> ../../../etc/sgml.catalog

	Well, if /usr were mounted under /, this relative link would
 work. However, as it is mounted really under /mnt, and a symlink
 exists in /, this relative link fails. An absolute link to
 /etc/sgml.catalog would work fine.

	This is a fairly commn case; automount, AFS, DFS, and in some
 installations, even NFS (keeping NFS mounts under /mnt makes sense if
 you are mounting a number of [nested] directories from several

	There is a trade off, thoguh, since relative links make it
 easier to move a whole tree around the file system. (Nobody is in
 favour of abolishing relative links, are they?).

	Can someone come up with a more consice explanation? I am
 leaving for a 2 week trip next week, and am getting harried trying to
 get things together for that.

 "My head is bloodied, but unbowed." From the poem "Invictus"
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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