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Re: Hamm Bug Stamp-Out List for June 25, 1998

>>"Wichert" == Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma@debian.org> writes:

 Wichert> Package: emacs19              
 Wichert> Maintainer: eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us (Mark W. Eichin)      
 Wichert>   23742  emacs19 should probably be just "emacs"

	Why is this a release critical bug? emacs19 depends on a whole
 slew of packages, and it quite differently set up than the old emacs
 package. Also, there are now a number of packages that vie for the
 name Emacs, is not unreasonable to have the package renamed.

	I can understand that the originator may ``wish'' to have the
 old name retained, but is this an important enough objection to hold
 up Hamm or throw emacs19 out? I think no.

	Olease downgrade this bug (I would say to a wishlist), and get
 it out of the release critical list.

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