Adding dependency order to emacsen add-on install/remove process
Though I think we've found that hamm can get by as is (as long as
cvs-pcl, hyperlatex, and elib change their package dependencies), it
seems likely that there may be cases in the future where we really do
have to account for inter add-on dependencies when ordering the add-on
install/remove scripts.
Hoever, after thinking about it, I fear that just using "Depends:"
doesn't really allow us to take *any* control over the emacsen-common
install/remove script ordering.
For example, cvs-pcl depends on elib. Now presume that this is
because elib's emacsen-common install script has to be run before
cvs-pcl's, and then consider the following scenario:
dpkg -i cvs-pcl elib
Isn't it true that dpkg ignores the "Depends:" lines when ordering the
configure scripts for these packages? If so, then the cvs-pcl
configure step, if it goes first, would fail. So what's the solution?
I suppose you *could* use Pre-Depends, but is that the right answer?
Thinking about it, that really may be the only thing that'll "do what
you mean".
Rob Browning <>
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