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Re: libc6_2.0.7 release notes...

On 22 Jun 1998, Rob Browning wrote:

> Good luck.  It would be great if you come up with one, but I fear it's
> going to be a lot of work for essentially a *really* minor aesthetic
> gain.
> One way this could almost be handled is with and additional control
> file where you could list sort exceptions.  Something like this:
>   2.0.7pre1 < 2.0.7
>   2.0.8pre7 < 2.0.8

I like Santiago's suggestion better:

	2.0.8pre1 =>
	2.0.8pre2 =>
	2.0.8     => 2.0.8

Which scales properly and solves the problem.

> etc.  This file would allow each discontinuity to be specified, and
> would be pretty flexible, but it still has the problem (that epoch's
> don't) that if the upstream authors do something really weird you're
> still out of luck.  The problem is that these rules aren't (time)
> context sensitive.
> Consider some author releasing:
>   2.0
>   2.1
>   3.0
>   1.0
>   2.0
> This is essentially a version renumbering (perhaps to match some other
> package, or whatever).  In this case, the exceptions list wouldn't
> help because you'd still think the later 2.0 was equivalent to the
> earlier 2.0 if.  Here, something like epochs are needed.
Yes! Now I remember! This is what the epochs are for, and the reason that
they MUST exist forever after. Also a reason not to use them in this case.

Thanks for the reminder!


_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide"  _-_-_-_-_-_-

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