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Constitution, and SPI section s.9

I've mailed the SPI Board proposing that they agree to the following:

   1. SPI will hold money, trademarks and other tangible and
      intangible property and manage other affairs for purposes
      related to Debian.

   2. Such property will be accounted for separately and held in trust
      for those purposes, decided on by Debian and SPI according to
      this section.

   3. SPI will not dispose of or use property held in trust for
      purposes related to Debian without approval from Debian, which
      may be granted by the Project Leader or by General Resolution of
      the Developers.

   4. SPI will consider using or disposing of property held in trust
      for purposes related to Debian when asked to do so by the
      Project Leader.

   5. SPI will use or dispose of property held in trust for purposes
      related to Debian when asked to do so by a General Resolution of
      the Developers, provided that this is compatible with SPI's
      legal authority.

   6. SPI will notify the Developers by electronic mail to a Debian
      Project mailing list when it uses or disposes of property held
      in trust for purposes related to Debian.

NB that this has a couple of extra occurrences of `purposes related
to' which I seem to have missed out from the most recent posted
version of the constitution.

Unless anyone objects I plan to have the corrected version voted on
without going through the formal amendment process (which would
involve waiting two weeks, or having voters choose which version they
wanted to accept), as I consider this change not to be substantive.


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