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New editor posibly...



I spoke of a editor before of a editor that was akin to dos edit. I have
talked to the author, the source has been placed under gpl. The source can
be found here http://www.blkbox.com/~jyork/edit-0.1.tar.gz It's fairly
small, Very easy to use... but it needs some work. the author has basicly
not touched the source in about a year, so It's not quite complete, at the
moment there are 3 things that need work. 1: it's based on Ncurses 2: It
has a keybinding for Help, that does nothing. 3: on exit, it does not,
clean up the screen. other than that it seems to function just fine.... I
rather like this editor for a "quick dirty fix the file and reboot
normaly" editor... As soon as these problems are taken care of, I will be
packaging edit. However my C skills are pretty much not existant.... if
anyone would like to help Please do.... 

Ps: how much work is it to move from ncurse to slang?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Particle man, Particle man
Doing the things a Particle can
Whats he like? Its not important
Particle man is he a dot, or is he a speck
When He's underwater does he get wet, or does the water get him instead?
- -Particle Man, by They Might Be Giants.

- -K

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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