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Re: Important: Non-maintainer release flame!

"Dermot" == Dermot John Bradley <bradley@oldcolo.com> writes:

Dermot> I now see that you have uploaded a non-maintainer release of
Dermot> this new version to master.debian.org! To be blunt I'm pissed
Dermot> about this...indeed this is *not* the first time someone has
Dermot> decided to do a non-maintainer release of one of the packages
Dermot> I've been working on without checking with me first.

If I'm reading the timestamps right, the non-maintainer release was
made just a few minutes after the initial Bug report on the 10th,
which you replied to just two hours later.  So I'd have to agree that
the upload was a bit hasty.

It does show everyone's dedication, though, since we're talking 1 a.m
and 3 a.m.  :-)   The drive to get hamm out as quickly as possible is
undoubtedly fraying people's patience.

But I might have done the same thing, had I been in a hamm-fixing
mood that night, because to be equally blunt, you do not have a track
record of answering email in reasonable times -- this was unusual.
Therfore the long history of NMUs on your packages, and at one point
the WNPP had given you up for dead.

That said, expecting a reply in a few minutes, at 1 a.m, was a bit
much.  :-)

Perhaps clearer guidelines on this would be useful.

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