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Intent to package - xpdf with encryption

I saw on wnpp that Dirk Eddelbuettel offers xpdf, that we can support
encrypted pdf files. That however requires "non-US" maintainer. So I 
downloaded the patches but I'm unsure what format should the source 
package have.  I think the possibilities are:
1. xpdf.orig + patch (Debian&encryption)
  - Problem with this is the that the package name sould by different from
    that of xpdf without enc., but that would not be .orig
2. xpdfc.orig + patch (Deb&enc)
  - We have "orig" archive with different name of the top dir
3. xpdfc.orig + patch (Deb only)
  - Archive with already applied patches

Sugestions welcome, so I can upload this package soon.

				Petr Cech 
 /    mailto: cech@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz    \
|   PGP: finger cech@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz	|
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