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Re: ppp: how to tell the connection speed?

On Sat, May 02, 1998 at 08:12:35AM -0500, john@dhh.gt.org wrote:

> Marcelo E. Magallon writes:
> > As you can see chat breaks the CONNECT line. Is there a way to tell
> > the connection speed?
> 'ATW2' will make the modem (or at least, my modem) emit something like
> 'CONNECT 26400'.

mine is ATX4

> Adding 'REPORT CONNECT' to the chatscript and giving chat the option
> '-r <filename>' will cause chat to write the CONNECT string to
> <filename>.

I tried it, but I cann't get it to work. I added -r /var/run/ppp.speed
to the chat line in /etc/ppp/peers/provider and "REPORT CONNECT" as
the first line on /etc/chatscripts/provider (I didn't find anything on
the man page that says it has to go in some particular place).

I made it output to /var/run/ppp.speed. Would that name be ok? I put
it there instead of /var/log/ppp.speed because /var/run gets cleared
on reboot, and I don't see any reason to keep the files between

> I can have pppconfig add 'REPORT CONNECT' to the chatscript if there
> is interest in this.

That'd be nice. Sometimes I like to check the connection speed because
the modem did funny noises (funnier than the usual), and a command
like ppp_speed (or plog -s, but that's stretching it a bit) would be

> BTW has anyone else run across a modem that reports 'CARRIER' instead of

My very first modem did that. But we are talking 1988 (whoa! it's been
long) here and that was an El Cheapo 2400


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