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Re: Intent to package moxa radius

cpbs@debian.org (Charles Briscoe-Smith)  wrote on 24.04.98 in <[🔎] 199804242021.VAA06584@pcsw104b.ukc.ac.uk>:

> The gist is this: most of the "obnoxious" advertising clauses in
> BSD-ish software specify a different sentence which must be mentioned
> on advertising mentioning the software.  This means that if I build
> a distribution with lots of BSD software in it, there are likely to
> be a lot of different sentences I must include on my advertisements
> (or I must restrict myself as to how many features I mention in any
> one advertisement, so as to reduce the number of sentences I must
> include).  RMS says he counted 75 different sentences in one of the
> BSD distributions.

And this is a problem because ...?

Good advertizing doesn't try to mention 75 features, anyway.

MfG Kai

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