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Re: mozilla motif-2.1 package

I have now uploaded a mozilla-smotif and mozilla-dmotif package, linked
with Motif 2.1 and libc6.

If anyone would like to pile in and start looking for bugs, I'd be
grateful.  If we can really get a joint maintenance effort going, perhaps
we should set it up on master with cvsup.  I don't have any
experience with that, though.

These are the problems I know about at the moment:

1. It is far too eager to look up remote pages; I haven't yet found how to
   disable this.

2. A set of warnings appear when it is started up; they don't seem to
   affect performance, though:
Warning: Actions not found: PageUp, PageDown
Warning: Actions not found: PageDown, LineUp, LineDown, PageUp, PageUp, 

3. It always seems to want to start the composer as its first action.

Some of these may be in configuration files, but they aren't in the
preferences dialogs.
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver

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