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What's xdm-shadow for?

I'm thinking about packaging Login.app (look for another message, subject
"Intent to package Login.app") and it's author provides a configuration
script that asks if the system is libc 5 or 6, and then asks if shadow
passwords are in use or not. I obviously said libc6, plus the shadow
password option. I started looking at the xbase scripts to find out how it
manages this situation, and there's no mention of shadow passwords there
(not at least what I'm looking for)... to make things shorter, after
turning my system upside down, I never found a reference to shadow
pwds on the xbase files. But there are two binaries: xdm and xdm-shadow.
What's the second one for? They are exactly the same file:

[39 jacinta:/usr/X11R6/bin] cmp xdm xdm-shadow ; echo $?

After testing the program, I kept asking myself how to manage this thing.
I did "shadowconfig off ; Login.app", and the thing worked flawlessly. I
did "shadowconfig on; Login.app" and it kept working. I read the libc docs
on NSS and Shadow, and I'm guessing under libc6 there's no need for two
binaries. Am I right? WHAT'S xdm-shadow FOR THEN? (Sorry, it's driving me
insane... nah! ;-)

	about to file a big juicy bug against xbase 3.3.2-2... yummy!

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