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Re: APT broken ?


	When I put a package on hold, it has the dependencies
 satisfied (presumably). I do not wan the package to be
 upgraded until I say so. I also do not want the package to break, or
 other packages depending on it to break. If that means packages are
 held back, so be it.

	I no case should the packaging system pretend that the
 dependencies are satisfied when they are not, because they may cause
 my package to break. I object strongly to the packaging system
 deluding itself and rendering my package unuseable.

 who is grateful that holding back vm was all that was needed not
 to have apt upgrade emacs packages and break vm.
 Each person has the right to take the subway.  -- Carlos Eduardo
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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