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Re: intent to package Netscape Communicator

"Sudhakar" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@netscape.com> writes:

Sudhakar> 1. Mozilla - Sources and binaries compiled from the sources
Sudhakar> downloaded from http://www.mozilla.org/
Sudhakar> 2. Netscape Communicator - Binaries downloaded from
Sudhakar> http://home.netscape.com/ and repackaged in .deb form

I don't think the licenses involved permit us to do it another way.
The current packages look something like this:

  mozilla-smotif      -- latest unofficial, compiled from source
  communicator-base   -- official communicator 4.05 and up, glibc
  netscape4           -- communicator installer
  netscape3           -- netscape installer

Ideally I'd like to see the installer packages dropped in favor of the
binaries for "communicator" and "netscape", assuming netscape3 is
also covered by the unlimited distribution license.  There are those
who like the old interface.

There could also be an "openscape " package if the openscape.org
developers have a different source tree, or maybe even some
vendor-specific ones -- Debian throbber anyone?  ;-)

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