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Re: package pre-selections tool

	Henry Hollenberg     speed@barney.iamerica.net 

On 3 Apr 1998, Adam P. Harris wrote:

> Alrighty, so we all agree it would be a very good thing that, after
> the base system is installed, there should be some mechanism for users
> to preload one of several stock Debian configurations.
> Well, we better get to work ASAP if there's any hope of getting this
> into Debian 2.0.  (Technically, it may already be too late; the freeze
> has occurred.)
> As I see it, the next steps are:
> * Determine whether there's a *straight-forward* was to implement with
>   the existing dpkg or with only minor modifications.  Would 'dpkg
>   --get-selections' work?

I was going to use:

cd /
mount /dev/scd0 /mnt
cd /mnt/bo/binary-i386

dpkg -i `find . -name "at*.deb"`
dpkg -i `find . -name "cron*.deb"`
dpkg -i `find . -name "kernel-package*.deb"`
dpkg -i `find . -name "nvi*.deb"`

as a starter for the Debian firewall project....but I'm sure it could
be improved....

> * Find a volunteer to write a little (whiptail) configuration program
>   to present the alternatives and drive dpkg prior to that first
>   dselect run.  This should support a modular configurations method
>   that would allow us to add/remove/modify the stock configurations
>   w/o altering the code.
> * Find volunteers to supply stock configurations for preloading.

I'm fine tuning a list of packages suitable for installation on
a firewall packet-filter and firewall bastion system now.  Be happy to
show anyone what I've got.


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