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Re: mdutils: invalid argument on activation

On Thu, Apr 02, 1998 at 11:35:14AM +0200, Jens Ritter wrote:
> I found the error I made!
> I simply configured Raid0 and linear as modules (but not md
> itself). The activation is done early in the boot up process, so that
> kerneld is not running. As I didn´t add them to /etc/modules, the
> mdadd command is not able to complete. When switching to multiuser
> mode, kerneld is started, and the modules are inserted automatically.
> adding "raid0" to /etc/modules resolved my problem.
> I now recompiled my kerenl with raid0 and linear as module.
> Joey: I will send you a README.Debian, which states this pitfall.
>       Are really both init.d scripts necessary?

Which both?

I understand your problem but I don't have a general solution.
I fell over this problem when I started with RAID and Y_Plentyn
has also reported it.



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 / A mathematician is a machine                                  /
/                           for converting coffee into theorems /

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