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Re: Debian Bug#20445 disagree

In article <Marcel-1.42-0331082006-1cbP&AH@duplo.mround.bt.co.uk> you wrote:

: The only hinderance would be the bleeding-edge user adds unstable to
: the list of distribtuions they want to see so I don't see the problem.

Running a 2.1 kernel shouldn't automatically brand one as a "bleeding-edge
user".  There are features and drivers in the 2.1 kernel stream that can cause
someone to run a 2.1 kernel even if they don't really want to play with fire.
There are several 2.1.X revisions that are sufficiently stable for this to
be safe with a little guidance.

By evicting packages that only work with 2.1 kernels from the coming 2.0
stable release, you guarantee that they won't be on most of the 2.0 CDROM's
that get pressed.  Thus, anyone who has some reason to run a 2.1 kernel is
going to have to 

	a) know that 2.1 versions of the packages exist in unstable... how
	   they would know that is unclear to me.

	b) FTP the bits from one of the mirrors

This seems like a royal pain the ass for 2.1 kernel users who want to run 
the 2.0 stable Debian release under their 2.1 kernel...

I can see your point, philosophically, but you're making way too much work 
for a non-trivial subset of our user base if you force these packages out of


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