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Re: Bug#15080: seyon: bad location in menus

joost@rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl (joost witteveen)  wrote on 29.03.98 in <[🔎] m0yJCEU-000COtC@rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl>:

> On the one hand, "Apps/Comm", seems somewhat more general than "Apps/Modem",
> but on the other hand: what really is the difference between
> "Apps/Net" and "Apps/Comm"? Seems to me that if we add a Apps/Comm
> section, the distinction between Apps/Net becomes difficult. Should
> Mutt/Slrn/ftp go to Apps/Comm, or Apps/Net? This problem doesn't
> arise with Apps/Modem, and as it seems that all you really want is
> something to distinguish the general networking utilities (the ones
> that work with an already existing connection), from the ones that help
> you to setup that connection, I think Apps/Comm isn't really as clear
> as it could be. Maybe Apps/Connect, or Apps/NetSetup would be even
> better, but I don't want to blurr the discussion even more :).

Apps/Modem is a bad choice in the times of ISDN.

I think we should look at it this way:

If there's a general networking protocol (TCP/IP, Appletalk, IPX/SPX, ...)  
and the apps work on top of that, it's /net.

If the apps instead deal with the hardware, and usually maintain some sort  
of point-to-point link (like all the old modem programs, all the ISDN  
stuff, and so on), then it's /Comm.

Of course, stuff like diald-cost gets caught in the middle; there are good  
arguments for going either way.

MfG Kai

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