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Re: How backspace is broken in Debian

On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Avery Pennarun wrote:

  >  - Standard xterm doesn't conform to official Debian keyboard policy, which
  >    is to use ^? to backspace and ESC[3~ for DEL.  The 'xterm' terminfo entry
  >    refers to the original xterm non-Debian policy (I think), which may or
  >    may not be the same as implemented by the new Debian X packages (I'm not
  >    sure).  The correct solution: implement the Debian keyboard policy into
  >    our xterm, perhaps using X resources, and then adjust the terminfo entry
  >    to match.  It may be most polite to change the TERM variable in that case
  >    to something like xterm-debian, since we are no longer really xterm
  >    compliant. (which is IMHO a good thing, since the default xterm key
  >    bindings are stupid)

This reminds me that in bo, xterm by default uses as TERM variable
'xterm', and the termcap does not have colors. To have color I used a
resource that makes xterm export TERM with another value like
'xterm-color', the other way is to replace 'xterm' termcap with
'xterm-color' termcap(IMHO is ugly).

   Carlos Barros.

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