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Re: programs/scripts using /tmp/*$$

James Troup <J.J.Troup@scm.brad.ac.uk> writes:

> After reading about /tmp/*$$ on bugtraq for the longest time, I
> [ ... ]

Okay, I've filed bugs against the packages listed at the end of this
message.  I made them (apart from the first two) maintonly; so as not
to spam everyone with what was for the most part a form message.  I
set them to severity `important', if anyone feels strongly enough that
they should have a higher severity, feel free to raise the severity of

I may well have made some mistakes (I checked 110 scripts by hand),
and I almost certainly missed some, but I think it was worth doing and
is a start.  Also the machine I used has a measly (arf arf) 700
packages installed; that means there's some 850+ out there which I
haven't even glanced at (e.g. bug).  I hope no one sees this as bug
terrorism (a habit I deplore).

Thanks to JoeyH for perl help, and sorry to Dark and Myxie for biting
their heads off on IRC :p (though I still don't think this can or
should be automated)

autoconf: autoconf, autoheader, autoupdate
bash: bashbug
bsdmainutils: lorder
cflow: cflow
cvs: cvsbug, rcs2log
f2c: fc
findutils: updatedb
gnuplot: lasergnu
guavac: gcok
gzip: zcmp, zdiff, znew
ispell: findaffix, munchlist
less: lesspipe
libc6-dev: glibcbug
lintian: lintian
mercury: ml, mmake
metamail: showexternal
mime-support: run-mailcap
netpbm: pnmindex, pnmmargin, pnmsmooth, ppmquantall
octave: octave-bug
perl: c2ph, perlbug, perldoc, pstruct, s2p
pmake: mkdep <-- Wahey, I maintain that. Doh.
sharutils: mailshar, remsync
ssh: make-ssh-known-hosts
tetex-bin: MakeTeXPK, MakeTeXTFM, dvihp, makeindex, texconfig, texi2dvi
trn: Pnews, newsetup, newsgroups
weblint: weblint
xbase: gccmakedep, mergelib, x11perfcomp
xboard: pxboard


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