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Qmail on lists.debian.org is costing me real money

The fact that lists.debian.org runs qmail is costing me real money:

I have several local users who subscribe to various debian-* lists, as
well as the `system' mail-to-news gateways.  Currently, because lists
runs qmail, I get many physical copies of these messages.  If lists
ran some other MTA it would deliver each copy using a separate

I'm being charged British commercial rates for bandwidth, and some
people are paying European phone rates (which are horrendous) and will
have the same problem.

All of us could each run a local exploder, but this is a lot of hassle
when individual local people want to (un)subscribe.  Wouldn't it be
better if lists ran a more efficient and DFSG-free MTA such as Exim ?

Exim is particularly good for list traffic, as it can enqueue such
traffic when it is injected by the list software and then at some
later point send many messages to each host down a single SMTP

It also doesn't make n simultaneous connections to recipient machines,
which is more friendly.

Exim has pretty good verification of claimed sender addresses and the
like, which can prevent some spam.  Furthermore, the bug system can
then do away with its local copy of Smail.


E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST. Trouble? E-mail to listmaster@lists.debian.org

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