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List Status

We have got the lists running on va now. There were a few bumps during the
process.. Here is a summary of where any mails for -ALL- debian.org
(excluding va.debian.org) addresses may be:
   #1 Waiting in Va's queue to be delivered when master returns. 
      This is all the bug messages, and blah@debian.org messages
   #2 Bounced. There was a dns mixup and VA bounced several emails
      destined for all debian.org addresses. I belive all queued 
      list mail may have suffered this fate.
   #3 In my archive of master's mail queue. These may never be recovered,
      it depends how damaged the queue is.

Obviously if you got a bounce you should resend the email, the list server
is now mostly functioning. Some of you who were directing mailing lists
through your @debian.org address may find that you have been unsubscribed
because of a bounce.

There is hope of having the root disk back online tomorrow, so master
might return then.


E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST. Trouble? E-mail to listmaster@lists.debian.org

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