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Move undocumented.7.gz -> man-db?


Why is undocumented.7.gz in manpages?  On a machine which doesn't have
manpages installed running `man' results in a screenful of unhelpful

14:12:04@kullervo| ~ $man lintian
Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...man: warning: /usr/man/man7/undocumented.7.gz is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man8/flushb.8: Bad file descriptor
man: warning: /usr/man/man8/flushb.8.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: warning: /usr/man/man7/undocumented.7.gz is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man8/setvesablank.8: Bad file descriptor
[ ... ad nauseum ... ]

I don't want or need manpages on this machine, but I don't want to see
that crud every time man's index is updated.  Wouldn't
undocumented.7.gz be better placed in man-db?

If I'm missing something blatantly obvious, please tell me, otherwise
I'll file bugs on man-db & manpages* asking for the move.


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