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Re: On new names for "Deity"

>>>>> "bruce" == bruce  <bruce@va.debian.org> writes:
    bruce> This is serious for some people. In New York, not the
    bruce> traditional hotbed of religeon, I worked with a systems
    bruce> operator who would not chmod files to 666 because it was
    bruce> the number of the beast, and a systems programmer who would
    bruce> not let users have "godzilla" as a user name because it
    bruce> contained the substring "god". Religeon makes some people
    bruce> crazy. Let's avoid use of religeous names.

Not forgetting the county in Texas that have an official greeting of
'heaveno', 'cause 'hello' has the  word 'hell' :)

I quite like Trove, it has a swashbuckling sort of feel to it.  Now for
a .wav, or .au file that says "Oy, me 'arties" when it starts :)

Stephen ducking

"Normality is a statistical illusion." -- me

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