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still crashing -- narrowing it down some though

As I wrote the other day,  my machine has been crashing lately after about
3 or 4 hours of uptime.  At the tiem I suspected xntp,  X,  or my kernel
(2.0.32).  I've upgraded to 2.0.33 now and it's still crashing.  The CPU
is cool to the touch at crash-time,  so I don't think it's overheating.

I've thought of two other things:

	The fan in my powersupply occaisonally makes funny noises.  The
system doesn't lose power (all the lights n'stuff are still on when it
crashes) but might this be related?
	The machine runs 24/7.  I often connect to it from another host
generally via telnet or ssh.  Most of the time,  it seems to crash
immediately after I've logged in (either remotely or on the console,
running xdm).  That is,  I log in remotely or via xdm on the console,  and
can use the machine for a few minutes.  Then (if I'm on from console) it
freezes.  Or (if I'm on remotely) I logout,  try to log back in,  and
don't get a response.

					Thanks for helping....


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
|               	So don't beg,  and don't plead ...               |
|                   you can't have the heart you make bleed....          |
|                    -- The Beautiful South,  "Love is..."               |

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