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Re: Possible new name for "deity"

On 24-Feb-98, 16:36 (CST), Branden Robinson <branden@purdue.edu> wrote:
> Damn it all, I liked deity.
> [snip]
> I particularly find this fear of offense-generation suspicious in light of
> the fact that we have an editor called Jove, "that's blasphemy, by Jove",
> and, for Christ's sake, a security program called SATAN.
> Deity is just fine and should be left alone.  No one has yet come up with a
> better name.  There's not yet one with cool overtones and a similarity to
> the name of our distribution that's as good as deity.
> We did it right the first time.  Let's leave it alone.

What he said. In spades.

That said, "packman" is the best alternative.

And while it may true that the package names don't have to end in
".deb", I think "debman" is not overwhelmingly Debian specific. And even
if it is, so what? Suppose our package format takes over the world, and
everybody starts using it. It's still going to be referred to as the
"Debian package format" or "Debian style packages" or "deb files" or
some such. Therefore, I think "debman" or "debtool" (although "debtool"
is perhaps more what dpkg is) or something like that is just fine.


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