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Re: [Tim Wilkinson <tim@transvirtual.com>] [ANNOUCEMENT] Kaffe: The future

Miguel de Icaza writes:
 > > We should definitely be setting up an alternate kaffe project which follows
 > > a decent license.
 > Sigh.  Probably we could talk with Tim/Peter to use a sane license and
 > propose them a way to still be able to make a living.

Been there, done that, made/making the living, gave away the million
(mostly to companies who could have afforded to share), got the trade
show t-shirts (wearing one now).

Kaffe is using the Ghostscript model of "create a language
interpreter, give it away to other people who also give away their
software, sell it to people who don't."  This makes a problem for some
people like the RedHat folx, who mostly give away their software but
license some proprietary software.  One could suggest that Ghostscript
"clean up its act" and free its Aladdin version.  One could also
suggest that Redhat "clean up its act" and refuse to distribute any
proprietary software, in which case the Aladdin FPL isn't a problem.

But this isn't the right place to talk about free software business
models.  mailto:fsb-subscribe@crynwr.com is the right place.

-russ <nelson@crynwr.com>  http://web.crynwr.com/~nelson
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