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Re: Mirroring hamm

  Zed> This is more of an academic question than anything else, since I don't
  Zed> have the bandwidth to make a mirror public, but I've been grabbing
  Zed> files off of ftp.debian.org one directory at a time via wget, and I
  Zed> figured there had to be a better way to do it, especially since I
  Zed> don't think wget will delete out files that are no longer supposed to
  Zed> be there.  I had a quick look at mirror, and got a little bit confused
  Zed> by some of the things in the man page, so I was hoping someone could
  Zed> point me at a correctly written configuration file for it, or
  Zed> recommend a better way of grabbing files.

  Joey>  Actually, the mirror package comes with a file that will let you
  Joey> mirror ftp.debian.org easily
  Joey> (/etc/mirror/packages/ftp.debian.org). Make a few mods to that file
  Joey> and run "mirror /etc/mirror/packages/ftp.debian.org" and a few days
  Joey> later, you'll have a complete mirror downloaded. ;-)

I recommend doing a couple of 'what-if' runs first, ie 

	$ mirror -n /etc/mirror/packages/ftp.debian.org | tee /tmp/mirror.log

and to examine mirror.log. You can then experiement with more strict or loose
rules in the configuration file. Ie, you might want to try a subtree of
debian/hamm/hamm first to see how it works etc. More -n switches increase the

And let's all touch wood hoping that mirror-2.9 will have a more DFSGish

(mirror maintainer)

edd@rosebud.ml.org                 According to the latest official figures, 
http://rosebud.ml.org/~edd      43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

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