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Re: [Tim Wilkinson <tim@transvirtual.com>] [ANNOUCEMENT] Kaffe: The future

    Vincent> This new licence reminds me pretty much of what cygnus
    Vincent> did about 6 months ago when they tried to change the
    Vincent> gnu-win32 licence.

    Vincent> It's worth noting that we (ie: the Free Software
    Vincent> community) shouted loud enough so they changed their mind
    Vincent> and gnu-win32 is still free. Maybe it can also work with
    Vincent> kaffe. _(;

But keep in mind that a lot of the objection to the new license also
came from *within* Cygnus: most of us are still free software fanatics

But we should definitely write to these people telling them to be
careful of stupid licensing ideas.  There are better ways of getting
even with people who have been unkind to them in the past.

The GPL could actually work very well for them: they could distribute
software under the GPL, and if they find some large company that wants
to distribute Kaffe without the hassle of distributing source, they
could offer Kaffe to them under separate terms.  Everybody wins in
that kind of scenario: the big customer gets the (rather foolish) "no
source warm fuzzy", and we still get source.

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