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Re: Annoying behavior in X (broken curses?)

Avery Pennarun <apenwarr@worldvisions.ca> wrote:

> The same thing happens with both TERM=xterm and TERM=rxvt, but only in
> an rxvt.  Running xterm, both terminal types do not have the screen
> messups.

> This is due to a new ncurses, a new terminfo, or a new rxvt.
> Unfortunately I upgraded to hamm all at once.

I have tested this on hamm's components as of 23 February.

How thoroughly did you test this?  For example, did you do the following in

$ TERM=rxvt
$ less some.file
  [ screen is messed up with stuff from the previous less or editing
    session ]
$ TERM=xterm
$ less some.file
  [ screen is messed up with stuff from the previous less session ]

To see that rxvt does indeed work when TERM=xterm, you need to run less
one more time, since the alternate screen buffer is not cleared by less
when it starts; instead it is cleared when the previous process exits
(that is, when switching from the screen not to the screen).  You should
find that xterm will exhibit the same problems as rxvt, when TERM=rxvt.


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