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Re: timezone -> timezones (why?)


On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On 23 Feb 1998, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> > (Actually, it points us at something completely different: the autoup  
> > script should be able to deal with a epoch-corrupted dpkg database. ISTR  
> > all that was needed was dpkg --clear-avail [then dpkg -i dpkg, of course]  
> > - is that right?)
> My main argument for not changing this nit is that the autoup.sh script
> has already been changed to accomodate the name/essential changes to
> timezones, so what is the point of falling back to a second solution?

Not every user will use autoup.sh.
I, for one, will use pkg-order.

The solution of keeping the name untouched is cleaner, because an empty
package (timezone) removed but not purged is a potential risk.

However, if you insist on not changing package name (i.e actually
*changing* it from bo to hamm), then at least please do the

Create a dummy timezone_99 package (section oldlibs) with no conffiles at
all, and make the new timezones to conflict with the timezone in bo (but
not with the dummy one). I'm sure autoup.sh can manage that.

This way people using autoup.sh will be happy and people using pkg-order
will be happy too, since they will be able to purge the dummy timezone_99
without removing the configuration file /etc/timezone.

Also, please, do not make /etc/timezone a conffile in the new timezones
package, because according to dpkg's packaging manual:

9.2 Fully-featured maintainer script configuration handling

   For files which contain site-specific information such as the hostname
   and networking details and so forth, it is better to create the file
   in the package's postinst script.


We have many different timezones, so it will be very unlikely that you
will find a "default" one that satisfies everybody.

Consider that this is a similar case to /etc/papersize or /etc/gpm.conf
(which are configuration files, but not "conffiles" in the dpkg sense).


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