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Re: Q: Location of copyrighted ROM images for emulator packages?


	I think that the proper path should just be /usr/local/lib/ or
 /usr/local/lib/xtrs/ or something. Emacs adds stuff to the load path
 like "/usr/local/lib/emacs/site-lisp".

	Your objection is that the ser should be able to call the roms
 whatever she wants, but your solution of providing zero length images
 does not pass that test either.

	I think that when I fiddle with stuff on my machine it should
 be pretty much in /usr/local only: firstly, that area is guaranteed
 to be under my control, and it shall not conflict with future debian
 plans (which may need the file name [unlikely in this case, i know])
 Thirdly, If I backup /home. /usr/local/, /var/lib/dpkg and /etc, I
 can recover my machine fully (/usr is huge for me, and so far, there
 is no local modifications there.

	In short, I hate fddling in /usr, local stuff should be in
	As you have not mentioned any arguments against that that are
 not equally valid for your solution, I think you should stick with

 "Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for the
 appointment by the corrupt few." George Bernard Shaw
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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