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Re: announcement: lintian 0.2 package released


> Note, that these are not really 28000 bugs, but that many lintian
> warnings/errors. 

some (or many) problems comes from 'non-standard-file-perm 0444'. In the case
for x11-apps this come from the default x11 config-files for xmkmf, like

     INSTBINFLAGS = -m 0755
     INSTUIDFLAGS = -m 4711
     INSTLIBFLAGS = -m 0644
     INSTINCFLAGS = -m 0444
     INSTMANFLAGS = -m 0444
     INSTDATFLAGS = -m 0444
     INSTKMEMFLAGS = -m 4711

If we could change this (MAN, INC, DAT) to 0644, we must it not do in
the debian/rules file. But then we must recompile xbase or xlib!? Bad for
debian-2.0. Possible for 2.1??



 Hartmut Koptein                                    EMail:
 Friedrich-van-Senden-Str. 7                        koptein@et-inf.fho-emden.de
 26603 Aurich   
 Tel.: +49-4941-10390                               koptein@debian.org

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