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Re: Proposal: Link to .changes file for each package on www.debian.org

"James A.Treacy" <treacy@debian.org> writes:

> This has been brought up many times. It will be implemented eventually.
> The problem is we need to rip open the packages to get at the changelogs
> and noone has implemented this yet. It's not difficult to do, but to keep
> down the load on master, it would be best to implement this in conjunction
> with dinstall and lintian when the packages are added to the distribution.

I'm willing to implement it in dinstall, but I'd first like to agree
with Jason to make sure that it's in a format that deity will be able
to use.

As far as the load goes, ftp, bugs, and web system are pretty
interconnected, so it's much easier to keep them all on the same
machine.  Moving the list server is better.  That's the big process


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