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Re: essential packages and Pre-Depends

>>"Kai" == Kai Henningsen <kaih@khms.westfalen.de> writes:

Kai> sanvila@unex.es (Santiago Vila) wrote on 16.02.98 in
Kai> <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.980216222233.1846A-100000@cantor.unex.es>:

>> According to this, "essential packages are the ones without which
>> the packaging system breaks".

Kai> That's how it should be, yes.

Kai> However, we have several different classes here.

Kai> First, there's stuff that, if it breaks, makes impossible to use
Kai> the packaging system to repair it. Let's call that
Kai> essential-for-dpkg.

	I understand that.

Kai> Second, there's stuff that's needed for basic operations of the
Kai> packaging system, but if it breeaks, it can still be repaired
Kai> using the packaging system. Let's call that
Kai> essential-for-normal-installation.

	Hmm, ok, I'll buy that.

Kai> And third, there's stuff that just happens to be in packages also
Kai> containing some of the other stuff above, or even only support
Kai> stuff for such stuff. Essential-by-infection.

	Umm, we are talking about packages here. This statement does
 not make sense. Either a package is in section 1 or 2 above, or it is
 not. When the granularity is a package, then we can't have packages
 by infection.

	What am I missing? 

Kai> Now, we obviously must have pre-depends for the first case. It is
Kai> much less critical for the second case, but one could argue that
Kai> it would still be useful to prevent the install tools breaking -
Kai> even if they are then repairable.

Kai> I'd say it's not needed for the third case.

	If packages can belong in the third case, I think they should
 be reduced from Essential to Required.

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