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Problems with ldconfig-info


for me, lintian-0.2.1 fails to process some of the python-1.5 packages  
due to an fatal error "bad ldconfig-info file".

python builds some shared modules like gdbmmodule.so that are linked with  
something like "gcc -shared -o gdbmmodule.so -lgdbm gdbmmodule.o". Now  
"ldconfig -l -D gdbmmodule.so" tells me that this is no shared library,  
and therefore ldconfig-info is garbled and checks/shared-libs exits with  
the fatal error. The same happens e.g. for the autofs packages.

a) is this indeed an error according to policy and how should I fix it ?

b) I guess the fatal error is a bug in lintian.

c) there's a small typo in collection/ldconfig-info: line 9 refers to  
file-info instead of ldconfig-info


|                Gregor Hoffleit   Mathematisches Institut, Uni HD    |
| flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de   INF 288, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany |
|               (NeXTmail, MIME)   (49)6221 54-5771    fax  54-8312   |
|                  "We will make windows invisible"                   |

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