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Re: Grub question...

"Larry 'Daffy' Daffner" <vizzie@mail.airmail.net> writes:

> >>>>> "SD" == Steve Dunham <dunham@cps.msu.edu> writes:

>   SD> "Larry 'Daffy' Daffner" <vizzie@mail.airmail.net> writes:
>   >> I do hve a small bit of cleverness though - making a GRUB floppy
>   >> with an MSDOS filesystem on it. It took a little bit of nosing
>   >> around, but it wasn't too bad. I then use that to put a kernel
>   >> on, so I can boot up a kernel off the floppy and use a Zip drive
>   >> (id 5) as the root FS, just for emergencies. :) Email me if you
>   >> want the gory details :)

>   SD> It's not that difficult.  (I usually use a raw GRUB disk and
>   SD> boot with a kernel and root off of the hard drive.)

> I mean with an actual MS-DOS filesystem and grub on the same floppy
> :). Sure, it's not too difficult to do, but I was generally pretty
> clueless on how, and it's not documented at all.

No, it isn't documented very clearly.  I guess it's "easy" to do once
you figure out the "install" command, which isn't easy.

I will work on some documentation for Linux users.

>   SD> Sorry about not updating the package, I'm trying to decide how
>   SD> to handle upgrades, because it will change the stage2 file.
>   SD> (Hence the boot sector needs to be reinstalled.)

> Well, it's working fine for me. No urgent need to mess with it at the
> moment :)

It has a messed up copyright file, and I need to figure this stuff out
before I can safely release a new version.  Plus I don't think grubinst
is flexible enough (you can specify where stage1 goes).

> One suggestion I would like to make, is to install it into
> /usr/lib/grub/stage{1,2} and let a setup program copy them to the
> appropriate places - That way, the 'pure' copies will always be
> available if needed.

Sounds like a plan (note to onlookers: the installation process
"tweaks" the stage2 file to include configuration information).

>   SD> My current idea:

>   SD>  * make grubinst more flexible, so the user can specify stage1,
>   SD> stage2, menu file, and install location.

> Do you really need to record the location of the menu file? Isn't it
> automatically assumed to be in the same directory as the stage2? I'm
> not entirely sure HOW it works, just that it does :)

Just the filename is stored. If you don't specify it, the default
(/boot/grub/menu.lst) is used.

> Just make sure it knows how to install itself on the root filesystem -
> I like to have it set up that way just in case.

>   SD>  * store the command line for "grubinst" somewhere, so the
>   SD> install script can do it automatically next time.

> Good plan, that :)

> I'm still not quite sure what the stage 1.5 buys you here.. All I know
> is on my system (large HD, LBA), it works correctly to have the stage
> 1 go directly to the stage 2, and let the stage 2 take care of the
> details. Or something like that :)

It buys allowing the blocks of stage2 to move around on disk, but this
probably doesn't make a big difference (how often does stage2 get moved)?

>   SD> My current ideas for an install program:

>   SD>   grubinst [options] stage1file stage2file device [menu file]

>   SD> With checks and warnings for screwing stuff up, backups of boot
>   SD> blocks to /boot (like lilo), and for options I'm thinking:

> This sounds pretty sane. Not sure if you have to be paranoid about the
> boot block, but I suppose it can't hurt to be paranoid :)

I've gotten a bug report that the warning wasn't clear enough and the
guy toasted a umsdos partition (i.e. made dos unbootable).  I've also
talked a guy through fixing a partition he toasted in a similar manner
with Lilo, so it would be a nice feature.

I will, of course, follow LILO's lead of only making a backup if the
file doesn't exist.

> Overall, sounds good, though. I did it via floppy this last time,
> because I couldn't figure out how to work grubinst. It would be nice
> if there was some reasonable docs for grubinst. I don't generally
> blindly put trust in something that has a high possibility of making
> my system unbootable if I screw it up :)

I don't blame you, I looked at the source before running it.

Currently, the docs are gotten by:

  grubinst -h

Basically, you do:

  grubinst stage1 stage2

It installs stage1 on the boot sector of partition where stage2 is
located and configures the blocklists, etc.  (It will ask you before
it does anything.)


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