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Re: i

Herbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au> wrote:
> Yes I know. But what happens if you type bash again? Or perhaps a
> better example would be a subshell from programs like elm? .bashrc is
> always read, unlike /etc/profile

Ahh... I feel as if I should not have to point this out:

(1) /etc/profile is used by more shells than just bash. aliases are not
supported by all these shells (though shell functions are, I believe).

(2) /etc/profile is a conffile for the bash package (perhaps not the
best place for it, all things considered, but bash is essential). This
limits edits of /etc/profile to system specific changes.

(3) There are other shells out there. Some use /etc/.login, some do not
have a system wide initialization script.

Thus there are two consistent ways to provide aliases: create them as
scripts in /usr/local/bin (site specific) and/or alter the initial
environment inheritted by a log-in process (or, at least, a log-in

Also realize that there are several paths for creating log-in shells:
/bin/login running under getty or telnetd, xdm, sshd, and perhaps more.

As far as I know, we have no policy directed at these kinds of
processes, either about what they log in wtmpx

Things you might see in such a policy area include a requirement that
remote host address show up for a login process that hasn't been
authenticated yet, ferinstance, or a requirement that would enable us to
provide a constistently enhanced environment for a login shell.


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