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Re: linux runs on palm pilot; any interest in packaging xcopilot emulator?

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark W Eichin <eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us> writes:

    Mark> If they're the "iang" patches, they're not "non-standard"
    Mark> they're just the development branch that actually gets it to
    Mark> work :-)

No, I think that the guys who did the kernel port had to modify
xcopilot to handle the boot loader for the SuperPilot board that is

    Mark> emulators it has to go in contrib [ooh, but if it can run
    Mark> linux *instead* of the native roms, that could change] (2)

Good point.  Woohoo.

    Mark> the makefiles are, well, primitive, and you have to
    Mark> configure byte-order correctly by hand...

I am going to upload a new version of xcopilot that uses autoconf.  I
am having trouble at the moment contacting the upstream maintainer to
get him these changes.

    Mark> I'm behind on my other packages anyway, and since this has
    Mark> to be packaged seperately from pilot-link, I'd be eager to
    Mark> see someone else take it.  (I think someone here is already
    Mark> working on a package of gcc-x-pilot, but I haven't heard
    Mark> back from them since they started - granted that was only a
    Mark> week or two ago.)

I have already uploaded a version of xcopilot.  I have some
modifications that make it use autoconf and make it write stuff to
~/.xcopilot/ instead of CWD that I will upload soon.  I will upload
the gcc tools in the next day or two as well.

I would have finished sooner, but I quit my job this week (woohoo) and 
it played hell with my schedule.

Gene McCulley
mcculley@iag.net     Voice: 407-260-1166     http://www.iag.net/~mcculley

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